The Walter Rodney Foundation has developed a number of programs that preserve, promote, and further the legacy of Walter Rodney.
The Walter Rodney Papers and Collection
The Walter Rodney Papers are available for viewing and research at the Archives and Special Collections of the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library in Georgia, USA.
To schedule an appointment, contact 404-978-2052 or archives@auctr.edu.
About the papers
In 2003, the Walter Rodney Papers were donated by the Rodney family to the Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center. The Collection is the largest and most comprehensive collection of writings, speeches, correspondence, photographs, and documents created by or about Walter Rodney anywhere in the world.
The Walter Rodney Foundation also maintains an up-to-date bibliography of all books, papers, journals, and articles written by and about Walter Rodney.
Of particular note, the collection also includes 3 years of Walter’s notes as an undergraduate student at the University of the West Indies – Mona.
The Walter Rodney Papers span the years 1960–1987, with the bulk of the collection from the period 1970-1979. The collection provides insight into Walter Rodney’s life as a scholar and an activist, primarily revealed through his writings and teaching.
Included are:
Scholarly achievements of Walter Rodney.
Published and unpublished speeches, lectures, journal articles, book reviews, chapters in books, and drafts of books he authored.
Employment papers, syllabi, reports, exams, student papers, and other teaching materials.
Lectures, including “Historians and Revolutions,” “Black People in the Americas,” and “West African History in the 19th Century.”
Letters written to Walter Rodney from students, colleagues, community and political activists, publishers and editors, members of cultural and political organizations, community and labor groups, and educational associations.
Speaking invitations/engagements that demonstrate Walter Rodney’s popularity as a speaker and the international audience that embraced him.
Walter Rodney’s involvement in the WPA and the WPA’s political positions and organizational structure during its formative years.
Audio recordings of Walter Rodney lecturing at universities, conferences, and rallies, including his last public speech given at a rally.
About the Special Collection
The Walter Rodney Collection is a compilation of materials donated by a number of individuals and institutions. The donations help to broaden the documentation about the life, contributions, influence, and legacy of Walter Rodney. The Walter Rodney Collection will continue to grow as more donations are made. The collection complements the Walter Rodney Papers that were donated to the Robert W. Woodruff Library in 2004.
Contact the Archives
The Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
111 James P. Brawley Drive, SW
Atlanta, 30314 USA
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